
RO Membrane Cleaner acid powder

Rp. 234
Last Updated
17 Oct 2024
Country Origin
United States
Minimum Order
1 Kilogram

Genesol711 -Membrane Cleaner(AcidicBased Powder)

Genesol 711 has beendeveloped as an inorganic scale cleaner and iron solvent for Reverse Osmosis and Nano-filtration membrane systems. Genesol 711 is highly effective at removing inorganic foulants, such as iron and calcium carbonate and also has proven efficacy against removing membrane biofilms.


Removes InorganicScale

  • Suitable for use in Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Nano-Filtration (NF) membranes

  • Effective against inorganic deposits and scales
  • Effective against iron fouling

  • Compatible with both polyamide and cellulose acetate membranes

  • Effective against aluminium based foulants
  • Effective against many species of micro-organism

  • NSF listed


Genesol 711 should be used as a1-2% solution, alternately soaked and recycled through the membrane system for 1-2 hours. When using Genesol 711, the cleaning solution pH will stabilize at pH 2.5 - 3.5. If the pH increases above this value during the cleaning process, the solution should be discarded and replaced. It is recommended that the membranes be cleaned at least 5°C above ambient temperature. The membrane manufacturer’s guidelines should be followed with respect to pH and temperature. Before returning the plant to service, the membrane system should be thoroughly flushed, until the pH values of the feed and the discharge are the same. Following cleaning, the product water conductivity may initially be high but should revert to normal after a few hours operation. Genesol 711 is readily dissolved in water: cleaning solutions should be used immediately after preparation. Cleaning solutions of Genesol 711 will have a tendency to foam. Genesol 711 contains bubble generating technology to gently agitate and lift membrane foulants away from the surface increasing cleaning efficiency.

Health and Safety

Effective atBiofilm Removal

  • Genesol 711 is a mixed blend of acid chelants and is classified as non-toxic.

  • Low pH solutions are corrosive to carbon steel and concrete so all chemical tanks, pumps and pipe-work should be made from acidresistant materials. A material safety data sheet is available on request.


  • CHIP: Irritant - UN: Corrosive


  • Available in 10 kg kegs, 25 kg pails and 1,000 kg bulk bags.

  • Shelf life of Genesol 711 is 1 year under normal storage conditions.

  • Ensure the packaging remains sealed and the Genesol 711 remains dry.

Typical properties

  • Appearance: white powder

  • pH of a 1% solution: ~2.5
  • Bulk density: 1.04g/cm2

  • Freezing point: not applicable

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