ROOM OZONE for laboratory, hotel room, operating room etc.
OZONE is the most powerful sterilizer in the world and has been used commercially to kill bacteria, viruses, fungi and odors. Ozone consists of 3 oxygen atoms (O3). When Ozone encounters odors, bacteria or viruses, the extra atoms of oxygen destroy it by oxidation. In this process the extra atoms are also decomposed and nothing else remains. No odor, no bacteria, no viruses, no extra atoms, only oxygen remains. The device for producing ozone is called an ozone generator
Ozone is formed from oxygen exposed to corona discharges such as lightning or oxygen exposed to UV rays. Although ozone is very strong, it does not last very long. When confronted with odors, bacteria or viruses, the extra oxygen atom destroys everything through the process of oxidation. In doing so, the extra oxygen atom is destroyed and there is nothing left, no more odor, no more bacteria, no more extra atom, just oxygen. In addition to the effectiveness of ozone, we also know that ozone is safe to use. We know this from our daily exposure to ozone, the weather, stuck in traffic, or passing through industrial areas that are proven safe. This exposure is proven to have no effect on us other than the unpleasant odor in the dirty air. Ozone is very safe because we are aware of the unpleasant odor that is actually a remnant. Residual residue in this case means the amount of ozone produced that exceeds the amount needed to remove any contamination that is in a room. Ozone generator room is suitable for hospitals, hotel rooms, restaurants, industries, laboratory rooms etc.